
Friday, March 13, 2020

Monkey Gangs Fight In Streets Over Food

As you see the photo in this article it’s hard not to think of the movie West Side Story.  Maybe the monkeys from The Temple Gang are gonna snap their fingers before they rumble with The City Gang?  
 Notice how it says that people have NEVER seen them this aggressive. Interesting. Another NEVER.
The Bible says that during the final 7 years before Christ returns to rule earth, that wild animals will kill lots of folks who are left behind following the rapture. This isn’t a Christian article but even they mention this news as “signs of the Apocalypse”.
Coronavirus isn't just causing humans to fight in the aisles of Target over toilet paper. Today in "signs of the apocalypse", hungry monkey gangs are also swarming and fighting - for food - on the streets of Thailand. 
Monkeys in the country are usually well fed by tourists who visit Central Thailand, but visitors have plummeted as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, which has hit the Asian region hard. 
The animals shown in a video are reported to be two separate "rival gangs" that dwell in the city, according to the Daily Mail
Half of the monkeys are said to live in the temple areas, while the others live in the city. The two groups don't usually meet but ended up doing so this past week.
The animals are shown wandering separately looking for food, but once one monkey finds a banana, the chase is on. 
The ferocity of the animals shocked even locals, who are used to seeing the monkeys on a daily basis. One onlooker, who captured video, said: "They looked more like wild dogs than monkeys. They went crazy for the single piece of food. I've never seen them this aggressive."
The onlooker explained: "I think the monkeys were very, very hungry. There's normally a lot of tourists here to feed the monkeys but now there are not as many, because of the coronavirus."

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