
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Spread the Virus, Bring Muslim Messiah

Many Muslims believe that chaos will bring the Muslim Messiah called the  Mahdi. Can you see how they are being set up to accept the Antichrist?
Ali Reza Banahyan (also spelled Alireza Panahian), a Hojatoleslam (Shia cleric) and head of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s ‘think tank for universities’, was recently quoted in Shafaq News as saying that the coronavirus pandemic is a prelude to the emergence of the expected Mahdi (Muslim Messiah). 
Banahyan  called on the Iranian people to actively spread the virus, “because it will accelerate the emergence of al- Mahdi.”
He added, “According to Shiite accounts, before the emergence of Imam Mahdi, the world suffers from widespread fears and many economic problems and deaths, and people will need a religious government led by Imam Mahdi.”

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