
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Stock Market "Skyrockets" Then "Plunges"

The financial markets are all very concerned about the Coronavirus. I watched a video from Shanghai, China yesterday that showed the streets totally empty of cars and pedestrians.  When 500,000,000 Chinese people don't go to work then their factories don't make anything.  When you don't make anything you have nothing to sell.  When you don't sell anything you don't make any money.  When you don't make any money you don't spend any money...and the whole economy can quickly go into a downward tailspin.

"But Dennis, that's all happening in China.  This is America so China's problems won't affect us in the least...cuz they are on the other side of the world."

Ummmm...If China doesn't send Walmart, Target and Amazon any more T-shirts, coffee pots, duffel bags, baseball bats, and basically every other product that China makes and we consume....our economy, 70% based on consumerism (people buying crap) will slow down pretty quickly.

Of course the stock market does NOT like uncertainty.  So after plunging last week, the market skyrocketed yesterday.  Now today it has plunged again because the Federal Reserve came out and unexpectedly slashed interest rates.

This article caught our eye because it said "first time EVER", when describing how 10 year Treasuries went below 1%

Stocks fell sharply in volatile trading on Tuesday after the Federal Reserve slashed interest rates by half a percentage point in an emergency effort to stem slower economic growth from the coronavirus outbreak.

 The decision came two weeks before the Fed’s scheduled meeting as the central bank felt it was necessary to act quickly to combat the effect of the virus spreading worldwide. It’s the first such emergency action coming in between scheduled meetings since the financial crisis.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded 860 points lower, or 3.3%, after rising more than 300 points earlier in the day. The 30-stock average gyrated between sharp gains and solid losses after the decision was announced. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite were both down at least 3.2%.
Investors, in turn, loaded up on U.S. Treasurys, pushing the benchmark 10-year yield below 1% for the first time ever. Gold, meanwhile, jumped 3.1% to $1,644.50 per ounce.
If you don't know it already, I'll tell you a little secret....the entire global economy has been financed with debt and is now standing on paper money which could blow away like dust in the wind.  I'm not saying that it's going to, I'm just reminding you that it could.
America will need to vanish so that the Antichrist can put together a new global financial system. 
And if the Antichrist is close, then Jesus calling His bride into the clouds is even closer.
Encourage each other with these words.

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