
Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Exorcist Who Met Lucifer

The Catholics are claiming that there are more demonic possessions today that at any other time. Of course we have no idea if that is true. But with rampant homosexuality, porn pouring out of every cell phone and mind altering drugs sold legally on every street corner...we wouldn’t doubt it.
This exorcist with the last name Amorth, apparently ran into Lucifer himself.
Amorth said he returned fire with prayers and other ritual recitations, demanding that the demon reveal its name.
“Unclean spirit!” Amorth bellowed. “Whoever you are and all your companions who possess this servant of God … I command you: Tell me your name, the day and the hour of your damnation.”
The man fixed him with a glare and snarled: “I am Lucifer.”
Amorth was shocked.
He “did not expect to receive such a terrifying response,” Stanzione writes. “But . . . he was convinced he had to keep going as long as he had the strength.”
Amorth, the official exorcist for the diocese of Rome, claimed to have performed about 60,000 exorcisms before his death in 2016. Born in Modena, Italy, on May 1, 1925, he knew from around age 10 he was destined for the priesthood.

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