
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

US Senate Floats "Digital Dollar"

We know it's coming.  A cashless system that will ultimately require a "mark" for anyone to access it. The C virus could push it closer to being a reality.  Remember, the Secret Powers of This Earth won't ever let a calamity pass by without getting something from it.  In this case they could make a few claims about why it's in everyone's best interest to get rid of cash.

1.  Money is dirty.  Swapping cash around between folks is a sure way to spread the C virus. Quit it!
2.  Only drug dealers, sex workers and human traffickers use cash anymore. Put them out of business!
3.  We need to get relief to American workers FAST.  What better way than electronically?

And here is the headline from our own US Senate.

US Senate Floats ‘Digital Dollar’ Bill After House Scrubs Term From Coronavirus Relief Plan

The bill, introduced by Ranking Member Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), is not proposing a crypto dollar but a digitized version of the existing dollar, a process advocates including former Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Chris Giancarlo have called for to maintain U.S. financial hegemony.

According to the draft, the digital dollar will be “dollar balances consisting of digital ledger entries recorded as liabilities in the accounts of any Federal Reserve bank.”

The bill even notes that such wallets should be branded as “FedAccounts.”

Like a pair of draft bills in the U.S. House of Representatives, the proposed digital dollar would be operated and maintained by the Federal Reserve (the U.S. central bank). The Fed would be responsible for maintaining the digital wallets to support the funds, on behalf of individuals. 

Federal Reserve member banks could create a “pass-through digital dollar wallet,” which would hold a person’s share of a pooled reserve balance that the member bank maintains at any Fed bank.

“Each member bank shall establish and maintain a separate legal entity for the exclusive purpose of holding all assets and maintaining all liabilities associated with pass-through digital wallets,” the bill states.

States might also designate some non-member banks to offer these wallets.

The House draft bills mentioned a digital dollar as one potential method for distributing relief funds to U.S. residents during the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Unemployment numbers have spiked as social distancing and “shelter-in-place” orders have cut sharply into retail revenues.

However, the Senate version appears to exist independently of any such relief.


Hat tip to Dave G.

US Senate Floats ‘Digital Dollar’ Bill 


  1. Hi Dennis, Has been a while. Hope all is well with you and your family.

    Here is a great video for your blog

    Hope you are staying safe.



  2. Hey Tom! Long time-no hear! Hope you are well! Crazy that we are all still here! For over 10 years now we have been watching the Russia-Turkey-Iran coalition form and move into Syria. And we have been watching the quakes increase and the cashless society advance. Not sure if God is going to use this latest shaking of C Virus to throw down our false gods of Mammon, NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL before he comes for His bride, OR if He might allow us to rebuild Humpty Dumpty again using printed $zeros and 0% interest rates. Either way, God's will be done!
