
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Women Intentionally Coughs on Produce

I know it doesn't sound very Christ-like, but I think the National Guard might have to start shooting some of these people if the USA continues to spiral downward.  Or maybe a military tribunal where she is found guilty and swiftly executed?

"But Dennis!  She might be mentally ill and she needs professional care, not a firing squad!" you realize that when countries melt down that the "civilized" options of what "civilized" people do, or have the choice to do, suddenly melt down as well?

How many workers do you suppose will show up at the Mentally Insane Home to care for folks like this woman?  How many prison workers will show up to watch the millions of prisoners?

Martial Law is used because civilization breaks down.  Soldiers are tasked to shoot looters and "shoot to kill".  That means that if 5 guys are kicking the windows in on an O'Reilly Auto store in Los Angeles, and the US Army is patrolling the streets, they don't have to arrest these 5 guys and run them through the court system and send them to prison.  They can aim their rifles and shoot them all dead.

It would make you think twice about kicking in windows or coughing on the produce if you knew a soldier could kill you on sight.  And that's exactly what martial law is meant to do. Restore order.

A woman purposely coughed on $35,000 worth of food at a Pennsylvania grocery store, police said. She likely faces criminal charges for coughing, one of the primary ways the novel coronavirus spreads.

The unnamed woman entered small grocery chain Gerrity's Supermarket in Hanover Township and started coughing on produce, bakery items, meat and other merchandise, chain co-owner Joe Fasula wrote on Facebook.
Staff quickly removed her from the store and called Hanover Township Police, who found her a few hours later and took her into custody, Police Chief Albert Walker told CNN.
Hanover Township police said the woman "intentionally contaminated" the food, and they plan to file criminal charges against her once her mental health treatment concludes.
Officials don't believe she's infected with coronavirus but "will make every effort to see that she is tested," Fasula wrote.
Employees at Gerrity's Supermarket in Hanover Township disposed of $35,000 worth of produce that the woman had contact with and disinfected the areas where she coughed. 


Hat tip to Dave G.

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