
Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Day's Wages for a Loaf of Bread

The Bible tells us that during the Great Tribulation men will have to work all day simply to buy enough grain to make their daily bread.  Are we seeing the set up for this event as the Central Bankers begin printing/creating so much money that they are cooking massive inflation into the recipe?

"When He opened the the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, 'Come'.  And I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on him had a pair of scales in his hand.  And I heard as it were a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, 'A quart of wheat for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine."  Revelation 6:6

The verse above is the description of the 3rd of 7 seal judgments of the 7 year tribulation, or 70th Week of Daniel.  My goal here is to bear out the possibility that we are now living in the circumstances that will lead to the fulfillment of this verse in the tribulation period.  

These circumstances are being driven by what is called Modern Monetary Theory, which is now being fully implemented by our government and the rest of the world.  I'll get into this in a minute. 

You can find various perspectives regarding the meaning of the above passage.  It is pretty much universal belief that a denarius was a about a day's wage when John wrote Revelation.  Matthew 20:2 seems to confirm it.  And a quart of wheat would make a loaf of bread.

What is not obvious is what the scales, oil and wine represent.

Some interpret this passage as famine with hyperinflation.  Seems reasonable.  Although the 4th seal is the judgment death-by-famine-and-pestilence, and not the 3rd seal.  That brings into question the scales, oil and wine and their meaning.

I interpret this verse symbolically.  The scales are clearly symbolic of something, as are the oil and wine.

Some say the scales represent famine because it would be necessary to measure out the wheat and barley carefully and precisely, due to scarcity.  Some say they represent judgment.  From what I can tell, this is primarily because our symbol of justice is lady liberty holding a sword and scales. 

I think perhaps the scales represent balance and fairness, or justness.  I also have an idea that the oil and wine represent plenty and abundance.  Bread was a basic staple, but oil and wine were luxuries.  

 So now comes the coronavirus.  My spidey sense is at 100%.  I try to get a 30,000 foot spiritual view of the situation.

This germ panic has prompted governments to declare a lockdown of the entire world economy.  The result of this lockdown is the most unprecedented (I know that's redundant) printing-fest of fiat currency in the history of the world.  Trillions of new dollars are being printed to ameliorate the economic hardships of the man-made economic shutdown.

Recently, White House economic advisor, Larry Kudlow said that the U.S. economic stimulus package will reach $6 trillion.  $4 trillion would be immediate liquidity (that means cheap borrowing and bloating of the money supply) and the other $2 trillion would be paychecks, essentially. 

Kudlow called it, "the single largest Main Street assistance program in the history of the United States".   Duh

The world is at full tilt printing new money.  Can you see the picture developing and the rationale behind my interpretation of Revelation 6:6?  Massive debt, hyperinflation, incredible wealth gap, economic depression.

What if the rapture happened


How much can they print before that one extra dollar is the straw that breaks the camel's back?  No one knows for sure.  But what I know is that once it breaks, it becomes impossible to fix the camel's back.  The camel has to be put down.

And once the current system is put down, it will give rise to a new system!  A global system!  A cashless system!  One that the Antichrist will be able to sink his teeth into?

Will God decide to put this all on hold for a little while longer?  Or is the final harvest at hand?

"The harvest is at hand but the workers are few."

Stay working people!  Tell someone today about Jesus and how HE is the ONLY WAY to see eternal life.

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