
Friday, April 17, 2020

Alien Anxiety

The headline pretty much says it all.

Alien Anxiety: 1 In 5 Adults Fears Martians Will Invade Earth Within Next 50 Years

It’s a question that’s been asked since the beginning of space exploration and beyond: are we alone in the universe? There’s been no shortage of UFO sightings across the globe in recent years, so perhaps it shouldn’t be a big surprise that a new survey reveals one in five people fear Earth will be invaded by aliens by the year 2068.

Overall, half of the 2,000 British adults who took part in the survey believe in the existence of aliens and that first contact with an alien lifeforms will occur in the next 50 years. They don’t think martians would have good intentions either: 22% are worried for their lives in the event of an invasion. But our interstellar neighbors aren’t the only threat to humanity. Of those who believe contact with aliens is imminent, 71% expect to face danger from panicked humans amid the chaos.

The survey, commissioned by FOX ahead of its “War Of The Worlds” reboot in the United Kingdom, also shows that 71% of believers think Earth has already been visited by aliens at some point in history.

“This new survey supports my firm view that there needs to be a government plan for first contact with extraterrestrials – irrespective of whether they turn out to be hostile or friendly,” says Nick Pope, an expert who has investigated UFO sightings for the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence, in a statement. “These fascinating findings say as much about distrust of government denials on UFOs as they do about people’s belief in extraterrestrial visitation.”

Almost 75% of the respondents believe governments across the globe are hiding information about detection of or contact with alien lifeforms. Additionally, two in three adults agree with Pope that governments should have a plan in place for first contact with other-worldly beings.

When asked what they think will happen if the government learned of an impending alien attack, 58% agree the government would try to keep the information secret to avoid public panic. Conversely, about a quarter of respondents expect the government to warn people.

Please tell me that you understand the WORLD is being prepared for demons, disguised as aliens, to show up on planet earth.

I believe that THE RESTRAINER, mentioned in 2 Thessalonians, is the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is living in all Christ followers.  That Holy Spirit is restraining the "secret power of lawlessness" that Paul mentioned.  At the rapture of the church, the restrainer will be taken away.  And THEN the Antichrist will be revealed.

We won't be here to collect, but I will bet you $50 that "aliens" will come to earth during the Great Tribulation.  And the world will accept them with open arms.

You heard it here first.  : )

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