
Monday, April 6, 2020

Drones Over NYC

We believe that the "secret power of lawlessness" that Apostle Paul spoke of, is going to use this COVID-19 hype and fear to gather some more power and continue to pave the way for the Antichrist.

We are quite positive that we will move a few steps closer to the CASHLESS SOCIETY that will be needed to fulfill the prophecies in Revelation and Daniel.

We further believe that this crisis will be used to move Americans closer to being tolerant and accepting of more AUTHORITARIAN RULE.

Americans might feel a little too free.  We need to be taught to fall into line and obey.  First we will be asked to obey.  If they doesn't work we will be threatened with force.  If that doesn't work we will be forced.

Today we see this headline speaking of drones with loudspeakers telling Americans to disperse.

NYC Flies Drones Over NYC Park Blaring Message To Maintain Social Distancing…

WATCH: A drone was seen flying over a Manhattan park on Saturday, urging pedestrians to “maintain social distancing.”


Friends, we have been saying for over 10 years now that we shouldn't be surprised if the rapture were to happen any day.  Jesus said there will be birth pangs. So why should we be surprised when earthquakes, wars, rumors of war, famines and PESTILENCE all begin to happen?

We watch what's going on and we seem amazed and shocked like, "But Dennis!  This is America and nothing bad can EVER happen here...because it's America!"

Again, we have no idea if America will recover before the rapture.  Or if we are going to fall into a deep depression and witness our gods of money, sports and entertainment be destroyed before the rapture.

We do know that the Bible seems very clear that WE WILL NOT BE HERE when the Antichrist is revealed.

Hat tip to Tim E.

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