
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Military Releases UFO Videos

It’s called disclosure. It has always referred to the time when the US Government, and other world governments, will officially not deny that UFO’s are out there. They have brushed with the military many times but the military and government would always deny that there was anything but the ordinary.  Not so anymore. Soon all humans will believe that other intelligent beings have evolved from rocks on another planet and are now visiting us.  Bible readers know these UFO’s and the “aliens” flying them are nothing more than demons/fallen angels who have been deceiving mankind from the beginning .
This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates as more information becomes available.
The Pentagon authorized the release of three new videos containing footage of “unidentified aerial phenomena” on Monday.
In a statement, the Pentagon said that after a review of the three videos, it determined that the videos do not “reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena.” In one video, a U.S. Navy pilot exclaims there is a “whole fleet” of the unidentified objects.

1 comment:

  1. Made the BBC too. Like main stream. Hope all is well. Peace Tom
