
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Nearly Half of Americans Think it's a Wake Up Call From God

Pretty interesting.  In a very short period of time all the NFL, NBA, NHL, MBL and every sporting event in America was shut down. Our 'god' that we spend SO MUCH TIME, MONEY and EFFORT to worship was gone in a flash! At the very same time our 'god' of Mammon (money and material goods) was drastically curtailed as $billions simply vanished overnight from the equity markets, the Mall of America got closed and millions of people will lose their jobs and already filed for unemployment.  Our two main 'gods' are sitting on the sidelines!  Maybe this WILL BE a wake up call for Americans to turn to God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?  Maybe we will see a revival in America?  I won't hold my breath but we can certainly continue to pray that God will use this hardship and uncertainty to reach a whole bunch of lost souls.

Nearly half of Americans (44%) say they believe that the coronavirus and resulting economic meltdown is a “wake-up call for us to turn back to faith in God,” and/or “signs of coming judgment,” according to a new poll commissioned by The Joshua Fund.
The survey was conducted March 23-26, 2020, by nationally respected pollsters McLaughlin & Associates. It was commissioned by The Joshua Fund, an Evangelical non-profit educational and charitable organization founded in 2006 by Joel C. Rosenberg. Rosenberg is a New York Times best-selling author of non-fiction and fiction books. He is best known for writing about “worst-case scenarios.” He has specifically written about pandemics in his 2006 book Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future, and his 2012 book, Implosion: Can America Recover from Its Economic and Spiritual Challenges in Time?
“This survey provides a fascinating window into how Americans see the COVID-19 pandemic and how it is dramatically increasing their interest in spiritual matters,” said Rosenberg. “The results are clear: this unprecedented global crisis is causing Americans to start reading the Bible and listen to Bible teaching and Christian sermons online, even though they usually don’t; search online for teaching on Bible prophecy and God’s future for mankind; and/or engage in more spiritual conversations with family and friends.”

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