
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Contact Tracing

Incredible. We are taking giant steps forward INTO the Antichrist system. And how many Americans can see at all what is happening?  Here is an article from the front page of Google News on contact tracing. The governments of the world want to set up a system to track down individuals who may have been exposed to Covid-19 in an attempt to see if they can isolate them (lock them up) so they don’t spread the virus. Now imagine if they change this to tracing people who refuse to get vaccinated?  Or tracking down people who refuse the “mark of the beast”?
To contain the spread of Covid-19, Alaska is planning to triple its number of contact tracers. Utah has retrained 150 state employees. And New York and other states are hiring thousands of people.
And that, health experts say, might not be enough.
To suppress their epidemics to manageable levels, countries around the world have turned to contact tracing — tracking down people who might have been exposed to the coronavirus to ensure they don’t pass it to others, a way of stalking routes of viral spread and severing them before they reach more people. And, to varying degrees, it has worked. But, for it to succeed in the United States, experts are cautioning that it’s going to take more people, more money, and more cooperation than the country has in place.
But some experts fear that the technique might not work as well in the U.S. as it has in other countries.
Many Americans may not understand they might be asked to quarantine for up to two weeks if they’ve been exposed, introducing logistical questions about how they wall themselves off from their families and avoid losing their jobs. People who have the virus might resist cooperating with tracers and divulging where they’ve been and with whom they’ve had contact. Experts wonder how compliant the public will be given that some individual responses to the pandemic — whether people wear a mask or feel they have a right to shop, drink, and worship when and where they want — have become political statements.

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