
Friday, May 15, 2020

ELCA Lutherans Now Praying to Mother God

What would you expect from the denomination that celebrates and ordains lesbians and gays and thinks Israel and Jews have no further part in God's story?

Now the church is raising red flags with it's promotion of praying by addressing God as "Mother" instead of Father on it's official Facebook page as well as via Twitter:

"Mother God, you have fed us with the nourishment of your spiritual food. Raise us up into salvation and rid us of our bitterness, so that we may share the sweetness of your holy word with all the world," the ELCA tweeted on Tuesday as part of their #Bread4theday series of Twitter posts.

The tweet has gotten a fair amount of negative attention. Hans Fiene, a conservative pastor who oversees the popular Lutheran Satire YouTube channel, responded with a simple message to people who still value Biblical literacy:

"Leave the ELCA," he succinctly replied when retweeting the ELCA post.

For those who choose to remain in this apostate denomination they will find themselves treated to more of the same in their churches as the leadership continues to steer them in the wrong direction.

The presiding "bishop" of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, has expressed her belief that although Hell may exist, it is entirely empty because "God doesn't give up on those who reject Him." The statement came from a recent interview for the podcast "Face to Faith". 

Did we EVER hear Jesus call out to his heavenly mother?  No.

Did we very clearly hear Jesus say that hell exists and MANY will be there?  Yes.

Leave the ELCA now if you are reading this.  It's leading you away from God.  Find a Bible teaching church that has a high opinion of scripture and a low opinion of man.

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