
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Franklin Graham Sounds Alarm

Why would the “Secret power of lawlessness” want to scare all the American people?  Because scared people will do exactly as they are told. It’s all about control, and this COV-19 virus showed the powers of this world that we will comply, roll over and do exactly as we are told.
"It's becoming more obvious to people that the response of some in the government is not just about protecting lives, but it’s about control. Never before in our history have those who are well been quarantined rather than those who are sick! I don't want to minimize the fact that the coronavirus is dangerous. We need to take precautions and we need to exercise personal responsibility," he continued. "But we also need to be cautious before we say yes to every ban proposed and agree to anything that we think might help protect us from the virus, to make sure that we're not letting go of some of our constitutional rights.
"Our response to the coronavirus pandemic could greatly affect our future and our freedoms," he said.

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