
Friday, May 8, 2020

Japan Wants a Defense Plan For UFO's

It would seem that some other folks were paying attention when the US Pentagon released videos from the flight cockpits of fighter jets encountering flying objects that clearly were "not of this world".

 Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono has announced his country should have a plan for possible UFO encounters. His statement came at a news conference on April 28 after the U.S. Defense Department declassified and released videos shot by Navy pilots pointing to the possibility that UFOs exist.
Kono has previously explained he does not believe in the existence of UFOs, but he wants his country to be prepared if there is a need to encounter an unknown extraterrestrial force.
“We would like to establish procedures in the event an encounter is made with a UFO,” Kono said.
The Japanese Ministry and Self-Defense Forces should be prepared for such an event.
“If video can be taken (of a UFO encounter) and if a report is possible, then a report will be made. Discussions will be held with the Air SDF about just what can be done,” Kono said while adding the SDF had not yet encountered a UFO.
Kono also explained he will be contacting the Pentagon “about the release of the videos as well as any analysis they had conducted,” Ashashi reports.
In February 2018, the Japanese government issued its official position on UFOs saying, “no confirmation has been made of their existence.”
The document in response to questions from a lawmaker added, “The government has not considered in any specific manner what will be done should a UFO be sighted flying toward Japan.”
Now that we have the serious people of the world discussing what they will do if they encounter a UFO, the "tin foil hat" people don't seem quite so bizarre. 
Remember friends, these UFO's and "aliens" are not beings from another planet who are coming to visit us.  They are demons/fallen angels from another dimension who have the ability to enter our 3 dimensional world.  They are not here to help us, as many of the New Age websites are claiming.  Rather, they are actually here to deceive us just as the demons have always done.

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