
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Scientists Made a Mouse that is 4% Human

I probably don't need to remind you of this, but Jesus said that earth will be like it was in the days of Noah.  Yes, the Nephilim were on the earth in those days but it would appear that Satan and his minions were also perverting the animals using some type of nefarious crossings to make hybrids.  Today we would call those hybrids "Chimeras".

Scientists at the University at Buffalo and the Roswell Park Cancer Institute have bred a new form of human-mouse chimera with the highest incidence of human cells ever recorded. Chimeras are organisms made up of a mixture of genetically different tissues—in this case, mouse cells and human stem cells. The team published its work in the journal Science Advances.

Two weeks after the researchers injected human stem cells into the developing mouse embryos, one of the newborn mice exhibited 4 percent human cells—a major advance, considering human and animal cells don't typically jive well. While they're still mostly just mice—and only a tad bit human—the breakthrough marks a step toward more advanced genetically modified embryos in the future.

"It has not been possible to generate naïve [human stem cells] that substantially contribute to mouse embryos," the scientists say in the paper's abstract. Their work "may enable applications such as human organ generation in animals."

In the study, the scientists had to turn back the clock on human pluripotent stem cells to the naïve stage. To do that, they discovered they could briefly inhibit a protein in the stem cells for up to three hours, so they could hopefully reassemble into any type of tissue desired.


At some point if we keep making animals into partial humans we would believe we might provoke God into saying "Enough!"

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