
Monday, June 22, 2020

Berlin Authorities Placed Homeless Children With Pedophiles

"But hey, it can't be wrong because I was born this way!"

"Yeah!  And God doesn't make junk cuz he made me to have these they must be good!"

What a crock of crap!

We have blogged for years on the Minor Attracted Persons (MAP's) movement that is now tagging along with the LGBTQ train.

Today we read about an "experiment" that was supposedly taking place in Germany.  This seems to be an idea that was cooked in the basement of Satan himself.

German psychology professor Helmut Kentler reportedly conducted an “experiment” starting in the 1970s that intentionally placed homeless children in homes with pedophile men because he thought that the men would make loving parents.

“A study conducted by the University of Hildesheim has found that authorities in Berlin condoned this practice for almost 30 years. The pedophile foster fathers even received a regular care allowance,” German government-funded public broadcaster DW News reported. “Helmut Kentler (1928-2008) was in a leading position at Berlin’s center for educational research. He was convinced that sexual contact between adults and children was harmless.”

DW, which is short for ‘Deutsche Welle,’ noted that Berlin’s child welfare services and lawmakers turned a blind eye to the illegal program.

Researchers at Hildesheim University began investigating the program and found a “network across educational institutions” where pedophilia was “accepted, supported, defended.”

“A first report on the ‘Kentler experiment’ was published in 2016 by the University of Göttingen,” DW News added. The researchers then stated that the Berlin Senate seemed to lack interest in finding out the truth. Now Berlin authorities have vowed to shed light on the matter.”

In a separate report, DW News highlighted men who have come forward to tell their stories about how they were sexually abused by the pedophiles that they were placed with as children.

DW News reported that in the 1960s, there were segments of the German population who did not view sex with children as wrong. Instead, Kentler was one of the driving forces behind the idea that society should adapt to and embrace pedophilia, particularly in Germany.


We keep going back to this verse because it's becoming so evident.

"The whole world is under the control of the evil one." 1 John 5

Hat tip to Dave G.

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