
Monday, June 8, 2020

Black Woman Tells Truth of Black People, Riots, Looting Going On.

Some of you have probably seen this video of Candace Owens telling us why she rejects that George Floyd, protests and looting narrative that continues to be pushed.  Candace is a black woman who is very well spoken and backs up her comments with facts.

She tells us in great detail what kind of criminal George Floyd actually was.  But she also confirms what we all believe about the white cop who knelled on Floyd's neck. 

Please watch it here;

What do you think will happen if the white cop doesn't get convicted of 2nd Degree Murder because the evidence comes out that Floyd died of something OTHER than a knee to the neck or back?

What do you think will happen to the 3 other cops who didn't intervene?  We heard that one cop had only been on the job for a short amount of time so maybe had no idea how he was supposed to respond to the actions of his senior officer.

No doubt there are some bad cops.  No doubt there are some bad priests, attorneys, mechanics, doctors, lawyers, judges, generals and soldiers.

But I outright reject the idea that police across the country go looking for black men to rough up and kill.

The reason black men come into contact with the police so often is because of the disproportionate amount of crime that is committed by black men which account for only 6% of America's population.

Hat tip to Mike P.

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