
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The “Institutional Racism” Canard

America was forced to watch the George Floyd funeral yesterday. Every major TV station decided to broadcast it to make sure as many people as possible could see it. So the dude who was high on meth and spent time in prison for pulling a gun on a pregnant woman is now been elevated someplace up with Martin Luther King. The media has decided that institutional racism exists in the police forces of America and we all have to be WOKE to see it.
About twice as many white people as black people are killed by police. In fact, in about 75 percent of police shootings, the decedent is not black. Of course, that is not what you would grasp from consuming media.
Take the website, specifically its breathless focus on “Hate crime in the United States” — counterfactually insinuating that any shooting involving a black victim must be a “hate crime.” Here’s their big headline from Tuesday: “Black Americans 2.5X More Likely Than Whites to Be Killed By Police.”
It is fiction. It is sheer demagoguery, peddled as American cities are besieged by rioters in the wake of George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police. The falsity of the claim is demonstrated even by itself. Just three days ago, the site posted another series of bar graphs, showing that, in fact, whites are nearly twice as likely as blacks to be shot to death by police. Here are the numbers:
Year                White  Black
2017                457      223
2018                399      209
2019                370      235
2020 (so far)   42       31

While African Americans are involved in two times more police shootings than their percentage of the population would seem to warrant, they commit 53 percent of murders and 60 percent of robberies — well over four times their percentage of the population. The political establishment would have you assume this statistical disparity is caused by institutional racism that myopically beams police attention onto black men. But we know the statistics accurately reflect reality because crimes get reported by victims — a large percentage of whom are black (also outstripping their share of the overall population).

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