
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Throw Away the Star Spangled Banner

You may have heard that the radical left is pulling down all statues across the country if they are white men. They have become so deluded and angry with rage that nothing will stop them from destroying America and our history. Today we read that the National Anthem has to go too.

If you haven’t figured things out by now, the ‘fight to end racial injustice’ on the radical Left is actually a fight to destroy the United States of America. The keen-eyed observer will notice that along with Confederate statues being torn down, statues of legitimate American heros like Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant and Teddy Roosevelt are also being targeted. What does that tell you the real target is? That’s right, it’s America that they hate.
But oh-how-selective their manufactured rage really is. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, it is the party that created the Ku Klux Klan, but those factoids go undiscussed by the Liberal-controlled media. Under the false pretense of fighting racism, the Marxists that run Black Lives Matter are calling for “black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary“. What does that sound like to you? If you guessed “civil war”, congratulations, you took the red pill. If you had any other answer, you’ve been blue-pilled, please go back to sleep. It will all be over soon, and you’ll wake up in chains.

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