
Friday, July 31, 2020

25 Signs We Are Near the End

I recently came across this book by prophecy expert, Don Stewart.  He is a frequent guest of Pastor Greg Laurie and I really enjoy listening to him.  You can also find him on OnePlace app.

I went to his site and he has many of his books available on his site to download and read for FREE!

One of his books I have listed at the link below.  It's called 25 Signs We Are Near the End.

I went to the index of chapters and cut and pasted the 25 signs.  And here they are.  Notice how many of these signs are all happening NOW, and for the first time in human history!

Sign 1 The Miracle of Israel’s Survival
Sign 2 As Their Enemies Have Done to Israel, So God Will Do to Them
Sign 3 Israel Will Miraculously Return to its Ancient Homeland in the
“Last Days.”
Sign 4 The Nation Will Return In Two Stages
Sign 5 Jerusalem Will be United under Israeli Rule
Sign 6 Israel Will be in the World’s Spotlight
Sign 7 There Will be a Continual Search for Peace in Israel
Sign 8 Preparations Will Be Made to Build the Third Temple
Sign 9 In the Last Days, Certain Specified Nations Will Invade Israel
(Ezekiel 38,39)
Sign 10 The Nations Missing from the Ezekiel 38,39 Invasion
Sign 11 No Superpower Will Intervene on Israel’s Behalf When They are
Invaded (Ezekiel 38,39): Something Will Happen to the United States
Sign 12 There Will Be a Ten Nation Confederation in Western Europe
(The Revival of the Ancient Roman Empire)
Sign 13 There Will Be a One-World Political and Economic System
Sign 14 The World Will Desperately Look for a Leader
Sign 15 There Will Be an Exponential Increase in Technology
Sign 16 Plagues and Pestilence Will Trouble the World
Sign 17 The World Will Be Characterized by Lawlessness
Sign 18 The World Will Be Characterized by Violence
Sign 19 The Organized Church Will Turn Away from the Faith
Sign 20 There Will Be a Rise in False Prophets, False Teachers, and False
Sign 21 There Will Be a Rise in Anti-Semitism
Sign 22 Christians Will Continue to Be Persecuted
Sign 23 Unbelievers Will Scoff at the Idea of Christ’s Return
Sign 24 The Wicked Will Not Understand the Signs of the Times
Sign 25 Bible-Believers Will Understand What Is Taking Place

As always, we don't know the day or the hour of when the Lord will come for us, but at the very least we shouldn't be surprised if it happened at any moment.


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