
Saturday, July 25, 2020

China Says No Buy or Sell Without Green Mark

For 2000 years Christians have been reading the Bible and wondering how the whole world could possibly share the same financial system. Or how the whole world could be forced to take a mark to buy or sell anything? Or how could the whole world watch something unfold in Jerusalem at the same time?

Today, we are the first generation to have all the technology available to fulfill everything the Bible says will happen before Christ returns to earth to sit on His throne for 1000 years.

 Restaurants and malls in China are open, but to enter, customers have to activate a health code on their smartphones. The code tracks their movements and determines whether they have been to any risky places. Only those with green codes are allowed in. Many offices insist on green codes, too. A red code, or even an amber one, is the scarlet letter of 2020. 

Little by little, and inch by inch, the whole world is being brought under the control of the New World Order, and it’s being done under the guise of fighting a virus. China, the country that released this infection upon all of us, seems to be leading the way on all counts. After rolling out contact tracing on smart devices, now come the health codes that you device will generate to either let you in or keep you out of mainstream society in China. In a matter of months it will make its way here to America.

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.” Daniel 7:25,26 (KJB)

One thing the global elites are counting on is the gradual weakening of our resolve to resist the ever-increasing oppression they are placing us under. Having successfully made us afraid of a virus with a 0.6% mortality rate, and having successfully forced us to put the masks on, getting us to accept full time contact tracing with health codes is a walk in the park. The question is, what will you say when they force you to take the vaccine? And rest assured, based on all their actions up to this point, they will force you to take it.

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