
Monday, July 20, 2020

Civil War Now Inevitable?

The editor of Natural News might be a little extreme in his beliefs of what’s coming down the pike and when, but he’s certainly not an uneducated man.  He sees serious problems coming for America. And he, along with others, believes that America has gone far enough down the abyss that Civil War is now inevitable.
Civil War is now inevitable in America as left-wing terrorism groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter grow ever more confident thanks to 269 corporations funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into their hands, some of which is being used to purchase automatic weapons parts smuggled into the United States by China.

It’s no exaggeration to state that McDonald’s, Netflix, Google, Nike, Apple and other well-known brands are now openly supporting left-wing terrorist operations in America. And they offer no apologies for doing so. This is the new America, where the tech giants, the media and the corporations are all-in with left-wing terrorists who openly call for killing police, executing Whites and overthrowing the government.

The goal of Black Lives Matter is to achieve the complete overthrow of the United States of America, to be replaced by a Marxist authoritarian regime where White people are executed, churches are burned to the ground, and corporate-fascism authoritarians (like Google, Facebook, Disney, etc.) rule the enslaved nation, where thought crimes are punishable by death, and all speech is heavily censored and controlled by the regime.

The upshot here is that no one is safe anywhere in America as long as Left-wing lunatics continue to operate with support from Big Tech, Big Media and corporate America. George Soros is also part of the funding landscape here, and it’s inexplicable why he hasn’t been indicted as an international criminal and arrested by Interpol agents.

On any given day, even a trip to the grocery store or the daycare center could land you face to face with Black Lives Matter terrorists, armed with full-auto weapons provided by China and funded by U.S. corporations like Google or Apple. They will shoot you dead if you’re White, because of course they are full of hatred and bigotry and they judge everyone by the color of their skin. They are terrorists, after all, and racists to boot.

Nearly all guns and ammo are sold out everywhere across America. For the ammo that’s still available, prices are up over 100% since March. Firearms are headed toward 200% – 300% price increase in just a few months, if you can even find any. Food shortages are on the way, and the global fiat currency debt-based money printing system is running in a total blowout phase that will end in a global debt collapse.

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