
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Has Anyone Ever Accused You of Being on the "Wrong Side of History?"

Yes, it's true.  Some of my friends on the left have accused me of being on the wrong side of history.

It first started when the debate was raging over gay-marriage.  I was arguing that marriage was invented by God and that He told us the definition of 1 man + 1 woman.  And then it came out, "Well Dennis, you are soooo on the wrong side of history!  This is going to happen because people don't choose their sexuality and love is love!"

It's going to happen with the legalization of marijuana too.  I could say it's not a good idea because God tells us to love him with ALL OUR MINDS and when we give up control of our brain through drug use, we open up ourselves to all sorts of problem that distance us from our Heavenly Father.  So of course they will say, "It's already legal in Colorado and other states and it's gonna be legal in Minnesota soon so get on board or you will be on the wrong side of history again!"

Recently I had a discussion with a young man in his 20's and we were talking about couples living together before they were married.  Of course I don't believe this is what God wants for us. So I explained my reasons why this is a bad idea for couples.  Especially those who claim to be followers of Christ and yet seem to have no problem renting our buying a house with their boyfriend or girlfriend and sharing a bed and sexual intimacy as if they were married.  "But Dennis, everyone is doing it and clearly you are on the wrong side of history."

Today we have Black Lives Matter painted on the pitcher's mound at MBL games, painted on the fields at NFL games, and worn on all the jerseys at MSL and NBA players.  Clearly those of us who totally disagree with Black Lives Matter and what they stand for are "on the wrong side of history".

So is it really a bad thing to be on the wrong side of history?

Nope!  It's a good think when you are standing on the Word of God.

Mankind is evil and wicked.  He is constantly coming up with new ideas and most of them are probably not good.

God told us that that in the Days of Noah people's thoughts were evil continually and they even invented ways of doing greater evil.  When God told Noah to start building the ark I could imagine that all the people standing around him were scoffing and telling him, "Dude!  Get with the times man!  Enjoy life! Enjoy loose women and start partying!  You are wasting your time building a boat on dry land!  Water can't come from the sky!  You are sooo on the wrong side of history!"  And all of them were swept away by the flood and it turns out THEY were on the wrong side of history.

In the same way, Jesus tells us that it will be like it was in the days of Noah before He returns.  Of course this can mean a lot of things, but I want to use this example as a way to encourage any readers out there who are tired of being accused of being on the "wrong side of history".

One day the trumpet will sound and Jesus will call all believers up into the clouds to meet him in the air.  The Godless horde will have no idea what has happened but for sure they will laugh when they look around and see that it's all the Bible believers who have vanished.  One can imagine what they will say, "Wow!  Those dorks have been on the wrong side of history for the past 20 years and now they are REALLY on the wrong side of history!"

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