
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Remove Columbus Statue Replace With Black Transgender!

With every passing day the Left becomes more bizarre, more angry, more violent and more delusional. Their desire to destroy American history for all of America’s perceived atrocities is now on display every single day. Today we read that leftists want Columbus statue torn down and replaced with a statue of a black transgender man. And the petition to do it already has 95,000 signatures. Notice that Google is behind this insanity with their $$. Also notice that the trans man was mentally ill and committed suicide.
As so many statues are being attacked in the United States and elsewhere, activists are now demanding that monuments depicting titans of history like Christopher Columbus be replaced with gay, black drag queens.
"Woke" mobs believe statues of the intrepid Italian navigator and explorer, who changed the course of human history, should be torn down by revisionist leftists and replaced with a figure of Marsha P. Johnson in the trans icon's hometown in New Jersey.
So far, over 95,000 people have signed a petition calling for a statue of Johnson to replace Columbus in Elizabeth, NJ.
In place of Columbus, the petition demands a statue of Marsha P. Johnson is erected.
"Marsha was revered and was an inspiration to many in the LGBT+ community,” the petition says of Johnson.
"She was a part of the Gay Liberation Front and staged a sit-in protest at NYU when the administration canceled a dance sponsored by gay organizations. 
"She also co-founded Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR) with her close friend Sylvia Rivera. 
"They established a shelter for homeless, gay and trans kids called the STAR house, where they provided shelter, food, clothing, and emotional support. 
"She was referred to as ‘Saint Marsha’ because of the things she did for New York’s LGBT+ community."
Johnson has gained notoriety in recent years, and especially in the past week when Google created a Google Doodle to honor Johnson and then donated $500,000 to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, the Associated Press reported.
“Through her advocacy for an inclusive LGBTQ+ movement and an end to police brutality, Marsha P. Johnson challenged the world to acknowledge the intersections of Black+ and Queer identity,”'s Inclusion Grantmaking Lead Maab Ibrahim told the AP at the time.
“’s efforts to end racial injustice and support LGBTQ+ organizations includes a grant to The Marsha P. Johnson Institute, an organization working to end violence against Black+ transgender women.”
As NBC notes, when Johnson was still alive, “there were no murals created in her honor; there were no institutes in her name; and there were certainly no monuments recognizing her activism.” 
Johnson was found dead in the Hudson River, though friends insist the activist would never commit suicide.
Johnson did, however, suffer from mental illness, but friends argue that never manifested itself in suicidal tendencies, though it did sometimes make Johnson violent.

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