
Friday, July 24, 2020

Thousands of Workers "Strike for Black Lives"

As we have said, Black Lives Matter is for the destruction of the patriarchal family system in the USA, they are against law and order enforced by the police, they are for transgender, queer, LGBT crap and refuse to take any responsibility for the black on black violence that is the major cause of black death in America.  They are racist in that they don't seem to care about black on black violence but only come out when they can find an example of white on black violence.

And now we have the corporations of America backing these losers.  It's become vogue to support BLM and put a sign in your front yard saying BLM.

Today we read about people with jobs walking off of them to support BLM.

Black Lives Matter movement, hoping to draw closer scrutiny to the income inequality and systemic racism that organizers say have become more entrenched during the coronavirus pandemic.

The “Strike for Black Lives,” as leaders have dubbed the campaign, featured workers from a broad range of industries. Members of the Service Employees International Union, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, American Federation of Teachers and dozens of other labor and political groups took part.

The campaign is pressing for “an unequivocal declaration that Black Lives Matter” from business and political leaders, and urging government officials to “reimagine our economy and democracy” with civil rights in mind. Organizers also called on businesses to “dismantle racism, white supremacy, and economic exploitation” and ensure access to union organizing, according to a list of demands posted on the strike’s website.

In Washington, strikers gathered on Capitol Hill in support of the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, or Heroes Act, as talks intensify over a fourth coronavirus relief package. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) joined demonstrators in New York outside Trump Tower. Health workers at a nursing home outside of Los Angeles planned walkouts during multiple shifts, while other workers took part in a car caravan down President Barack Obama Boulevard, a major thoroughfare on the city’s west side.

Organizers encouraged people unable to leave their jobs to take a knee or break away for 8 minutes and 46 seconds — the amount of time a Minneapolis police officer knelt on the neck of George Floyd, whose death sparked a wave of protests and national reckoning on racial justice.

Organizers did not have exact figures on how many people walked off the job, but said around 1,500 janitors in San Francisco struck together. Close to 6,000 nurses from 85 nursing homes in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut picketed outside their workplaces. Overall, demonstrations took place in 200 cities.

Maybe these same idiots should strike in protest of all the crimes that black men are committing all over the country?  When 6% of the US population are black males and yet that group accounts for 50% of the murders and violent crime in the ENTIRE COUNTRY, you can point at the group and say, "You have a problem in your community and it has nothing to do with white, yellow, red or brown people.  It has everything to do with your community refusing to look in the mirror and attempting to figure out HOW you got so morally bankrupt."

If God has chosen to destroy people groups as punishment for their wickedness and perversion in the past, then certainly it is within His sovereignty to do it again.  

We need to pray for the black voices who are attempting to point out black problems.  Because white, yellow, brown or red people can't point them out without being yelled out as bigots, racists and haters.


  1. Proverbs 29:7
    Psalm 82:3
    1 John 3:17-18
    You need help Dennis. You’re a racist. WWJD

  2. Let me guess...Jesus Lover is all about social justice and believes the church on earth should be all about feeding all people, stopping global warming and handing out t-shirts and bracelets that say WWJD to anyone who will take one? Am I right?

    I will remind you that Jesus IS GOD. So when God does something, it's Jesus who did it.
    When God created the heavens and the earth and all things that we can presently see, Jesus did it.
    When God destroyed the world with a flood in the Days of Noah, Jesus did it.
    When God destroyed 185,000 Assyrians while they were camped and preparing to destroy Israel, Jesus did it.
    When God killed all the first born in Egypt, Jesus did it.
    When God told the Israelites to kill all the Canaanites including their children and animals, Jesus did it.

    So I suggest that you should be careful to ask the trite question on a bracelet that says "What would Jesus do?" Because it's the same question as asking "What would God do?"
