
Monday, July 27, 2020

UFO Stuff in Mainstream News Again

The US Gov’t continues to release info on “off earth vehicles” and other information that is counted as “full disclosure”.  In their eyes these are intelligent beings from other planets. In our eyes they are demons prepping the world for massive deception.


The Pentagon’s secretive UFO unit is going to make some of its findings public, The New York Times reported.

And one consultant to the agency has briefed Defense Department officials of some highly unusual discoveries ― including items retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth,” the newspaper said. 

The Pentagon has claimed it disbanded its UFO office, but it actually simply changed names and moved. A Senate committee report suggests it will be expected to make some information public every six months. 

The main goal isn’t alien spaceships, but rather something much closer to home: to see if confounding sightings ― including some by the military ― are actually advanced technology from rival nations. 

The Times report also hints at possible artifacts from UFO crashes, citing former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). 

“After looking into this, I came to the conclusion that there were reports — some were substantive, some not so substantive — that there were actual materials that the government and the private sector had in their possession,” Reid told the newspaper.

Astrophysicist Eric W. Davis, who has been a subcontractor and consultant for the Pentagon, told the Times he briefed the Defense Department in March about the “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” He said he has examined some of the materials and concluded “we couldn’t make it ourselves.”

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