
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

USA Approaching the Point of No Return

I had a neighbor say, “This is all going to pass and things are gonna get better.”  To which I responded, “How can you be so sure?”  His response was blog worthy, “Because it will. It always does.”

His response was concerning in and of itself because it shows how clueless many, many Americans are. They have no understanding of world history. Even worse they have no understanding of Biblical history and what happens to nations who are blessed by God and ultimately curse God and collapse.

Where is America? How close are we to the point of no return?

Legendary Thomas Sowell Warns Our Country Is Approaching the 'Point of No Return'

Conservative economist and American treasure Thomas Sowell has a warning for Americans:

The 2020 elections could be a “point of no return” for the United States.

Sowell delivered the grim news Sunday during an appearance on conservative commentator Mark Levin’s Fox News Show, “Life, Liberty and Levin” — and appearance that came against a national backdrop of leftist calls to “defund police” amid rising crime and chaos in the streets of major U.S. cities.

“I must say, even though I was regarded as pessimistic, I was never pessimistic enough to think that things would degenerate to the point where they are now,” Sowell told Levin.

“Where adult human beings are talking about getting rid of the police. Where they’re talking about reducing the number of police, reducing the resources put in police work, at a time when murder rates have been skyrocketing over what they were just a year ago in 2019.

“I never dreamed that we would come to this point, it just seems such utter madness. And what is frightening is how many people in responsible positions are caving in to every demand that is made, repeating any kind of nonsense that you’re supposed to repeat. I do believe that we may well reach a point of no return.

“I hope, of course, that will never happen, but there is such a thing as a point of no return. The Roman Empire overcame many problems in its long history, but eventually, it reached the point where it simply could no longer continue on. And much of that was from within, not just the barbarians attacking from outside.”

Of course all this is not a surprise to God.  He alone sets up and tears down nations.  If America implodes, collapses or falls into a Civil War and the Russians and Chinese use the opportunity to invade and take over, we can look around and understand that we definitely deserved it.  We got fat, lazy, entitled, complacent and started killing our own babies by the millions out of convenience.

But America also sent more money, resources, food and missionaries for the Gospel of Jesus Christ than any other nation EVER on the face of the earth.  So God did use America in a mighty way!  Also we alone supported Israel as they went from fledgling nation to wealthy, powerful nation that is feared by all it's enemies.

God's will WILL be done!  As His children, we can rest in that knowledge that God is never surprised and He never sleeps and never nods off.

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