
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Chicago Police Leaving at Record Pace While Mayor Wants Federal Government Bail Out

 What happens to cities run by Democrats for too long?  They end up miserable failures because you can't pay the bills singing Kum-Ba-Yah and handing out generous benefits to everyone in an attempt to buy their votes.  You eventually run out of other people's money to spend.

Along with that, Chicago has a large number of black males in their city. These black males commit a disproportionate amount of crime. The vast majority were born as bastards and have no father around to discipline them and teach them how to be honest, upstanding citizens.  And so they end up in trouble, owning an illegal gun, selling drugs, stealing and then shooting another black male to death.

And who do you suppose is expected to show up at one of these 800 murders of black on black violence every year?  Yep!  Cops!  The Chicago PD is expected to show up and solve the murder!  But wait!  It seems that the Mayor of Chicago has been backing the Black Lives Matter BS which goes hand in hand with the DEFUND THE POLICE BS.

Now that the police are leaving in record numbers and the mayor has allowed the city to be vandalized and become a lawless mess she wants the Federal Government (all of us) to send her money to bail out their mess.

Chicago cops are retiring at ‘unheard of’ twice the usual rate

Chicago police officers have been retiring at double the normal rate recently, raising concerns that the number of new hires won’t keep pace with the number leaving.

Michael Lappe, vice president of the board of trustees for the Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago, said 59 police officers are retiring in August, with another 51 retirements set for next month.

“That’s unheard of,” Lappe said. “We’re seeing double the average number of retirees each month. The average is about 24 a month.”

He said a change in health insurance benefits is a factor, while the police union president blames Mayor Lori Lightfoot for not backing police officers.

Retirements in 2020 are on pace to be higher than in any of the past few years. There were 335 police retirements through the end of July, compared with 475 for all of 2019 and 339 for all of 2018, according to pension records.

Ald. Anthony Beale (9th), former chairman of the city council’s police committee, said he realized retirements were on the rise when he was at police headquarters for a meeting last week.

“From the time I walked in to police headquarters to the time I left, which was about 35 minutes, there were nine or 10 officers who approached me and said they were leaving,” he said. “Every person who walked past me said, ‘Hey, Beale, I’m out of here.’ ”

John Catanzara, president of the Fraternal Order of Police union, said he sees a wave of retirements leaving the city short of cops.

“I have no doubt that it’s going to continue, and I can clearly see a smaller spike within the upper ranks [of] lieutenants and above,” Catanzara said. “Who wants to stay in this environment? If you have the ability to leave, there is no incentive to stay anymore.

“The mayor doesn’t back us,” he said. “If you have the financial ability to do so, I don’t blame a single soul for leaving.”

For months, Catanzara and Lightfoot have been at odds over police reform and union contract negotiations. Officers are working under a contract that expired in 2017.


The Bible speaks of the Last Days being marked by lawlessness and men being lovers of violence.  Seems about right in Chicago and other DFL run cities.

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