
Monday, August 17, 2020

Joe Biden's Muslim Campaign Commercial

 Do you think the very future of this country is hanging in the balance as this November election looms?

Do you understand that the Muslim god, Allah, and his prophet, Muhammad, are both part of a satanic plan to lead people away the worship of Jesus Christ?

Did you catch the "coincidence" that happened in Minneapolis when the Mayor allowed Muslim Call to Prayer to be blasted on loudspeakers in the city during the month of Ramadan?  Soon after they blasted the calls to worship the demon-god Allah, George Floyd died of a Fetanyl overdose and the fake news played his death as a murder by a white cop and the city burned.  It might not ever recover from it's liberal stupidity as now they want to de-fund the police.

So please watch this campaign ad for sleepy-Joe and his appeal to Muslim voters.  He even put Arabic subtitles down, showed video of Black Lives Matter and pasted 2 of the libtard Muslim congresswomen, Ilhan Omar of MN and Rashida Tlaib of MI.  

Remember that the Muslim call to prayer has been going on in Dearborn MI for years as that place has been taken over my Muslims.  I fear Minneapolis will be joining them as we have an area referred to as "Little Mogadishu"  because of the number of Somali Muslims living there.

Watch the Biden commercial here;

And please pray for America every single day between now and the election.  Pray that God would spare this nation from judgment for a while longer.  We know that if Biden gets elected the godless horde is going to get even louder and feel even more empowered to to proceed in their lawless ways.

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