
Thursday, August 27, 2020

More Looting in Minneapolis Last Night

 In case you missed it yesterday, here's how it all went down in Minneapolis.

A black man killed another black man with a gun.  He ran from the scene.  Police were chasing him and as they were closing in on him with their guns drawn, the suspect put a gun under his chin and killed himself.  This can all be clearly seen on the video shot from a camera on top of a street light that exposed the entire incident.  But of course the people close by just saw police with guns drawn and a black man dropping to the ground so they instantly spread the false rumor on social media, "Police killed ANOTHER innocent black man!  Everyone gather in downtown Minneapolis and bring your looting equipment and some fireworks!"

Here is the graphic video of the guy putting a gun in his mouth and killing himself in case anyone doesn't believe the police:

Here's the video of looters ripping apart Target;

I watched the news last night of the police trying to put down the looters.  I watched the Governor speak and say that the National Guard should be on scene shortly.  He said he wouldn't tolerate the city being torn apart again, but at the same time said he recognized their anger because of systemic racism in America. ("don't loot but I understand why you are!") I watched a reporter from WCCO News talk to 2 black men in the street who told the reporter not to believe the story that the black man shot himself.  Nope!  They insisted that he was shot by police so that justifies them being out on the street looting and fighting with cops because that's how they are going to exact change.

I wish the reporter asked the black men, "Do you guys realize that when the video shows that the looters of Target were 100% black people that it further confirms the stereotype of black criminals in the city?"

One of the first stores looted was a liquor store...because nothing says "No justice-no peace!" like a good bottle of Jack Daniels ripped off the shelf and carried through a broken window.

Another store that was immediately looted was a Foot Locker....because looters want to make sure they can run fast with brand new $200 Nike's.

Another reporter with KMSP News said she had already talked to business owners who had told her they were done trying to do business in Minneapolis.  They are going to close up their stores and go someplace else.

So urban flight will continue because no one wants to have looters, lawbreakers and liars as neighbors.  I don't care what color their skin is...but the video clearly shows that it was all black you will have to determine if facts can be considered racist.

1 John 3:4    Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.

Scientists tell us that when Jesus was on earth the entire population of the world was about 200 million.  And of course all 200 million folks were pathetic, lawless sinners.  Today we have 7.5 billion people which is about 37 times more folks on earth.  And of course all 7.5 billion people are pathetic, lawless sinners.  So of course the world is filled with much, much more sin and lawlessness simply because of the fact that there are many more lawless sinners on earth than ever before.

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