
Monday, August 10, 2020

Nation's Mood Turns Grim as Election Looms

We have been asking the question for months:  What happens if Trump wins?  Could riots break out in the streets that are George Floyd riots times 10?  Could certain Democrat cities refuse to honor the results?  Could battles start in the streets as protesters fight Trump voters?

2020 has definitely been a chaotic year so far.  The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly disrupted life all over the planet, we have witnessed a horrific economic downturn, and civil unrest has been raging in major U.S. cities for months.  But the good news is that we appear to have hit a pocket of relative calm here in August.  

Yes, global events are still going crazy, and the bizarre explosion that we just witnessed in Beirut is just one example.  But compared to what we experienced during the first half of 2020 and compared to what we will experience during the last portion of this year, I believe that August should be relatively peaceful.  I would encourage everyone to enjoy this month as much as possible and to use it to prepare for what is ahead, because September is just around the corner.

Of course many Americans can't imagine things getting much worse than they are right now.  Gallup regularly asks Americans whether they are "satisfied" with the direction of the country or not, and what they have discovered is that the mood of the country has shifted dramatically since February, and this has especially been true among Republicans...

A poll by Gallup released Wednesday shows that the percentage of Republicans who say they are "satisfied" with the direction the country is heading has fallen by 60 points since February, when the pandemic began spreading rapidly across the U.S.

"The plunge in the U.S. mood, both in the past month and since February, is mostly occurring among Republicans. Republicans' satisfaction today (20%) is about half what it was a month ago (39%) and down 60 points since February, after the Senate acquitted President Donald Trump in his impeachment trial. The current figure is easily the lowest for Republicans during the Trump administration, with their prior low being 38% in October 2017," Gallup said on its website.

I was quite stunned when I first saw the graphic that Gallup posted on Twitter which shows how much the numbers have changed over the course of 2020.

I have never seen anything like this, and a presidential election is less than 3 months away.

Because of COVID-19, this election season has been relatively subdued so far, but I definitely expect that things will start to get crazy starting in September.

Many on the left have been anticipating a blowout victory by Joe Biden, but the polls have started to tighten, and Biden's physical condition has been rapidly deteriorating.

To be honest, we don't even know if it will be Joe Biden taking on Trump in November, and we certainly do not know who is going to win.

In fact, a group that included both prominent Republicans and prominent Democrats recently held "war games" to try to simulate the outcome of the election, and what those "war games" showed was quite disconcerting...

After gaming out various scenarios, the group said its conclusions were "alarming:" In an election taking place amid a pandemic, a recession and rising political polarization, the group found a substantial risk of legal battles, a contested outcome, violent street clashes and even a constitutional impasse.

"We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November's elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape," the Transition Integrity Project, which organized the "war games," said in a report this week.

That doesn't sound good at all.

But I actually agree with that assessment.  I believe that this will be the most chaotic election period in modern U.S. history, and I believe that much more civil unrest is ahead.

As we watch the news and see cities taken over by protesters, we tend to agree with this dude.  A)  He's NEVER seen anything like this.  and B)  He believes that much more civil unrest lies ahead.

Thankfully, our God is still on the throne.  He's not worried about the fate of America even if we are.

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