
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Pyramids of Egypt Built by Aliens?

We think it very interesting how often the topic of “aliens” has been showing up in the headlines. Remember, no aliens evolved from nothing on other planets cuz evolution is a lie. The “aliens” of today are the same old demons/fallen angels who have been deceiving mankind since the beginning.  No doubt they are pepping for the Great Tribulation and the massive amount of deception and delusion that will take place during that time.

In a perplexing tweet, billionaire high-tech genius and space pioneer Elon Musk stated that aliens built the pyramids in Egypt. Though he was clearly trolling conspiracy theorists who believe extraterrestrials arrived on earth just to construct massive burial monuments to earthly Pharaohs, the theory has serious spiritual ramifications. 

Musk went on to suggest that Ramses II, credited with building the pyramids, was, in fact, an alien. Musk even gave the reason for his bizarre theory: 

“The Great Pyramid was the tallest structure made by humans for 3800 years,” Musk tweeted. “Three thousand, eight hundred years.” 

Despite Musk’s tweet, he has gone on record as not believing in the existence of extraterrestrials. In an open discussion with SpaceX employees in October 2019, Musk stated this explicitly.

“As far as we know, we’re the only consciousness or the only life that’s out there,” Musk said. “There might be other life, but we’ve seen no signs of it.”

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