
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mass Bird Die Off

 Many of us believe that what we are witnessing today is a foreshadowing of what will come 20 times worse during the Great Tribulation. As Dr Jeremiah says, “Great things of God cast their shadows backward.”  Wars, earthquakes, disease, virus, bug infestations, famine, strange even terrifying weather, fish dying, birds dying, people dying.  These will all come with such a fury during the Tribulation that Jesus warned “no flesh would survive” if he didn’t cut those days short.

Today we read that millions of birds are dying and scientists don’t know why. Back in 2012 we blogged about birds just falling from the sky.  Upon closer examination it was like they were crushed by something in the sky and then just dropped to the ground. 

Hosea 4:3 speaks of the coming Day of the Lord  "Because of this the land dries up, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea are swept away."


Over the past few weeks, various species of migratory birds are dying in “unprecedented” numbers of unknown causes. 

And this growing number of birds in southern New Mexico that have mysteriously died have wildlife experts scratching their heads.

“It is terribly frightening,” Desmond said. “We’ve never seen anything like this. … We’re losing probably hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of migratory birds.“

In August, large numbers of birds were found dead at White Sands Missile Range and at the White Sands National Monument in what was thought to be an isolated incident, Desmond said. 

After that, however, came reports of birds behaving strangely and dying in numerous locations in Doña Ana County, Jemez Pueblo, Roswell, Socorro and other locations statewide.

The affected birds have included warblers, sparrows, swallows, blackbirds, flycatchers, and the western wood pewee.

The biologists noted that the majority of the dying birds are insectivores, but that seed eaters were sickening and dying as well.

“A number of these species are already in trouble,” Desmond said. “They are already experiencing huge population declines and then to have a traumatic event like this is – it’s devastating.” 

Only on Saturday, 300 bird carcasses were discovered at Knox Hall on the university of New Mexico main campus.

The day before, residents living around also found birds behaving strangely and gathering in large groups before dying. 

A growing number of birds in southern New Mexico that have mysteriously died have wildlife experts scratching their heads.

“It appears to be an unprecedented and a very large number,” said Martha Desmond, a professor at NMSU’s Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology. “It’s very difficult to put a finger on exactly what that number is, but I can say it would easily be in the hundreds of thousands of birds.”

Desmond is working with a group of wildlife experts from the Bureau of Land Management, NMSU and White Sands Missile Range to get to the bottom of why they’ve been seeing a sudden uptick in deaths. They said one potential reason could be the cold snap that passed through the state last week.

“What is odd is the fact that we’re seeing this occur beforehand and we’re seeing it occur since then,” Desmond said.


We do know that it won't go well for the animals on earth during the Day of the Lord.  But we need to remember that most were destroyed during Noah's flood and the animals are God's to do with as He pleases.

At the end of the day, we can blame this fallen, sin-filled earth as the cause of all death...including ours.

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