
Friday, September 11, 2020

Palestinians, “Our Arab brothers have Abandoned Us”

First off, please remember that there is no such thing as “Palestinian people”. That is a myth cooked up by haters of Jews and Israel to try and get more land for Arabs.  The Arabs reasoned that if they could declare another separate people group they could demand a separate piece of land for that special group. And of course the land they want belongs to God who has loaned it to the Jews as a irrevocable covenant to Abraham and his descendants that came through Isaac.

Don’t believe me?  Try and find a Palestinian king anywhere in history. What was their currency?  Who were their leaders?  Who did they conquer?  Who conquered them? Where did they live? What cities did they build?  You will find nothing because there is nothing to find. The people who started calling themselves Palestinians 50 years ago are just Arabs, deceived by Allah and Islam. And now it would appear that even their Arab brothers are growing tired of keeping that lie alive.  More Arab-Muslim nations may soon follow UAE and begin to normalize relations with Israel.


Palestinians have reacted with outrage and deep disappointment to the Arab League’s refusal to condemn the normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

The refusal of the Arab League foreign ministers to endorse a Palestinian draft resolution against the Israel-UAE agreement will pave the way for other Arab states to establish relations with Israel, Palestinian officials cautioned.

One of the first Palestinian officials to react to the cold shoulder the Arab countries gave the Palestinians was Mohannad Aklouk, the Palestinian envoy to the Arab League.

“With all pride, Palestine wanted a decision from the Arab foreign ministers that rejects and condemns the Emirati normalization [with Israel], prevents the Arab decline and preserves the legacy of the Arab League,” he wrote on Facebook. “But Palestine was unable to impose that, so the draft resolution collapsed. We have dignity, martyrs, prisoners and refugee camps of glory, and this is enough for us.”

The Palestinians’ “failure to obtain the consent of all Arab countries to condemn the UAE’s decision is extremely dangerous,” the PLO Executive Committee said.

“The insistence of the UAE on proceeding with the signing of the peace treaty with the Israeli occupation constitutes a flagrant denial of the Palestinian people and their rights,” it said.

The “Arab brothers have abandoned the Palestinian issue at a time when the entire world is supporting it,” PLO Executive Committee member Ahmed Majdalani said. The Arab League has “proven that it cannot make decisions on its own,” he said. “Rather, it is subject to political money and American pressure.”

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