
Friday, September 18, 2020

Pope Ramps Up LGBTQ Rhetoric

 We most likely won’t be around when the False Prophet gets revealed along with his boss, the Antichrist. But it makes for a fun game to see who Satan might be grooming for those positions.  It also keeps us focused on the nearness of Christ.


So here in 2020, Pope Francis has finally said what every one had been accusing him of, and that is the fact that he is single-handedly moving the Roman Catholic Church to becoming gay affirming. Just yesterday, he met with a group representing parents of LGBTQ+ children, and told them repeatedly that their children are fully welcome in the Catholic Church, and not only that, that God loves them ‘just the way they are’ and they don’t need to change their lifestyle. That is a blatant lie, God in the bible says no such thing. In fact, the apostle Paul says that only people who have become born again are the children of God.

“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:26 (KJB)

But honestly, would you expect anything different from the man who in 2019 set the wheels in motion with the Declaration Of Human Fraternity and officially kicked-off the One World Religion of Chrislam? We have been telling you for nearly ten years now that the Roman Catholic Church will absolutely pull in the LGBTQ+ as a main pillar of their global religion of Antichrist. Something tells me the Vatican has a ‘big announcement‘ in the works.

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