
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Antichrist Will CONFIRM a Peace Agreement

Trump has been hard at work trying to make peace in the Middle East.  Yesterday was a big deal as Israel, UAE and Bahrain all got together with Trump and signed a deal  It's possible that many other Arab-Muslim states will follow their lead.  The deal is called the Abraham Accord.  Of course all of you know that Muslims claim that Abraham and Ishmael are their father's and that Allah's promises flow through Ishmael.  The Bible tells us over 13 times that Isaac is the promised son from Abraham and the blessings of God-Jesus will come through the Jews.

Many of us are now wondering if this peace deal, called the Abraham accord, could be the very peace deal that the Antichrist CONFIRMS after he is revealed?

At Noon today in the White House, Israel will sign the historic Abraham Accord peace treaty with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, which will be live streamed right here on this page. The Abraham Accord is what we believe is the foundation stone of the coming Daniel 9:27 covenant that will be confirmed by Antichrist in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place. If you’re thinking about getting something done for the Lord before Flight #777 takes off, you better do it now.

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” Daniel 9:27 (KJB)

Interesting article on the Jerusalem Post today saying that while sale of advanced F-35 fighter jets to the UAE is not part of the Abraham Accord, creating a Palestinian state is. The Abraham Accord document references a two-state resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, so when Israel signs it, they do so knowing they are agreeing to not only give up dreams of annexation of Judea and Samaria, but to create a Palestinian state as well. This is why we say that the Abraham Accord is the foundation of the coming Daniel 9 covenant with Antichrist.

Before the signing ceremony, Netanyahu and Trump will hold a bilateral meeting at the White House and then leaders from all four countries will meet.

The signing of these so-called “Abrahamic Accords” comes after months of diplomatic work spearheaded by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who led the negotiations.

“These agreements are a huge accomplishment for the countries involved and have led to a tremendous sense of hope and optimism in the region,” said Kushner. “Instead of focusing on past conflicts, people are now focused on creating a vibrant future filled with endless possibilities.”

The agreements could usher in a seismic shift in the Middle East. If Saudi Arabia were to follow, this would have major implications for Iran, Syria, and Lebanon. Experts believe other Muslim countries that could soon establish ties with Israel include Oman, Sudan, and Morocco.

The Palestinians have strongly condemned the deals and consider them a stab in the back. While the UAE has said Israel agreed not to move forward with its contentious plans to annex up to 30% of the West Bank, biblical Judea and Samaria, Netanyahu has insisted that annexation remains on the table and is merely suspended.


2020 could really prove to be an exciting and prophetic year!  Just imagine how exciting it could be if the trumpet blows and the voice of the archangel calls all followers of Christ into the clouds to meet Jesus in the air!!  

The Feast of Trumpets does start real soon in while no man knows the day or the hour of our Lord's return, we followers should NOT be surprised at His return for us.  We should be dressed in white and ready to go to the wedding supper of the lamb.  Just like the Jews from Galilee who clearly understood how the wedding party would arrive like a thief in the night.  They didn't know the exact day and hour, only the father of the groom knew that, but they did have a general idea and weren't surprised when the call went up in the middle of the night. And once that door was closed, none of the latecomers were allowed in.

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