
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Wall Street Journal Reports on Increase of UFO Sightings

 It would appear that Satan continues to ramp up his great deception for the very last days.  We have no doubt that the leaders of the world who are left behind following the rapture of the church, will use UFO's and aliens as part of the explanation of WHERE and HOW millions of humans vanished from earth.

Hollywood movies have been prepping humans to believe that countless life forms exist all over the universe and that many, many of them are more highly evolved than we are!

So of course the EVOLUTION theory taught in all our public schools for the past 50 years has also prepared people to believe THE LIE.

In the wake of the coronavirus, sports stadiums have fallen silent, shopping malls have been turned into ghost towns, and bars have emptied. But the skies—depending who you ask—have gotten a lot busier.

Hannah Levine was outside with her dog around midnight in April when she saw a curious yellow light glide across the sky and vanish, one that didn’t resemble a plane. Puzzled, she pulled up a night sky app on her phone to check whether it might be a satellite or the International Space Station, but nothing came up.

“I was like, ‘Oh my God, I saw a UFO,’ ” says Ms. Levine, 26, a nanny in the Detroit area. “I mean, it was definitely unidentified.”

With more people at home, this is shaping up to be a banner year for extraterrestrial encounters, according to data from the nonprofit National UFO Reporting Center, which reports sightings this year are up 51% so far over the same period in 2019. Among 5,000 incidents recorded this year, 20% occurred in April as much of the nation remained in lockdown.


As always, if you see a UFO hovering about your house or have a terrifying encounter in the night with beings who claim to be from a far away planet, tell them to "Leave!  In the name of Jesus!"...and they will vanish in an instant.  Because "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

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