
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Woman Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask

 We kind of figured that the mask police would one day be deployed.  Now we see it first hand.  It appears that a woman was sitting with her family in an almost empty bleachers watching a middle school football game.  She did not have a mask on.  Of course she was outside and very socially distanced but that wasn't good enough for the folks in Teacherville (public schools).

An Ohio woman at a middle school football game was tasered and arrested by a police officer for not wearing a face mask in the bleachers.

Around 300 people attended a Marietta City Schools football game where Alecia Kitts, of Marietta, was filmed getting handcuffed on Wednesday in the city of Logan.

Kitts, as well as several other families and children, were sitting in the bleachers at the time and footage taken by witnesses quickly spread across social media.

Watch the video on this link.  It's pretty disturbing.  Imagine what will be happening if Biden is elected and makes good on his promise to mandate masks be worn everywhere for 100% of the time.

Soon the mask police might be showing up at your backyard barbecue. 

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