
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Americans With Biblical Worldview Continues to Decline

 This really shouldn't surprise any of my readers.  The Bible is under attack.  It always has been and always will be.  The Prince of this World HATES the Word of God.  And he will do anything and everything to discredit it and keep humans in full rebellion to their Creator.

New research from George Barna indicates that the percentage of Americans who hold a biblical worldview has declined yet again. Despite this decline, the outcome of the upcoming presidential election could very well be decided by evangelical Christians' level of participation.

FRC's new Senior Research Fellow for Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview, George Barna, found in his most recent study from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University that only six percent of Americans hold a biblical worldview (i.e., a view of the world that is informed by Scripture). 

According to Barna, a worldview is the "filter through which you look at all experiences and information and decide how you're going to respond." Because worldview consists of a person's most fundamental assumptions and beliefs about truth, it is central to how humans experience the world and interact with one another in society. 

As Barna explained, "People do what they believe." The same holds true for how we engage politically.

For example, someone whose worldview believes humanity was created by intelligent design will think about questions related to life and human dignity very differently than someone who believes human beings are the result of random chance or natural selection. 

Christians, whose worldview is shaped by Scripture, believe all people -- born and unborn -- are made in God's image and have inherent value and dignity. Therefore, many Christians advocate for pro-life policies in the public square.

This connection between worldview and politics is underscored in Barna's recent study. As he noted, "The 2020 election is not about personalities, parties or even politics. It's an election to determine the dominant worldview in America." Americans with a biblical worldview are currently in the minority, according to Barna's findings. 


Gay marriage?  Legalized drugs?  False religions like Islam welcome?  Evolution theory taught as fact? Monogamy fading?  Marriage fading?  Depression and anxiety rampant?

All these things would be expected from a society the rejects God.  If things keep going this way America will NEVER be able to elect any official who holds to a biblical worldview.

And when that happens, how much longer can USA be the "shining light on the hill"?

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