
Monday, October 12, 2020

Another Step Towards Civil War?

 A man went to a Trump rally in Denver.  He was shot by someone who supports Black Lives Matter, calls Trump a fascist and supported socialist Bernie Sanders for President.

Remember friends, most wars don't start with huge battles involving entire armies.  They start with a few people getting shot on one side which leads to a few people getting shot on the other side.  They escalate when one side believes they can't coexist with the other.

Social media accounts that appear to be connected to Dolloff show that he participated in Occupy protests in Denver and supported the Black Lives Matter movement. Those accounts frequently shared posts from left-wing media outlets such as The Young Turks, and criticized Trump—whom he called a fascist—and also indicated support for self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a former Democratic presidential candidate.

The shooting took place on Oct. 10 around 3:30 p.m. near the Denver Art Museum and the Denver Public Library, police official Joe Montoya told reporters. A verbal altercation took place just before the shooting, he said.

Witnesses said the shooting victim was part of the conservative “Patriot Rally” group. The victim was identified by family members as Lee Keltner.

Photographs that captured the incident showed a man deploying pepper spray or a similar chemical as the suspect pointed a gun at him. Moments later, the man was on the ground, shot, while police in riot gear ran over and arrested the shooter.

One video showing the minute before the shooting showed a man wearing a “Black Guns Matter” T-shirt shouting at a group of men who appeared to be with the conservative group, including the man who was eventually shot. The man with the “Black Guns Matter” shirt is enraged, shouting at the group. He tells one to mace him. The shooting victim moves out of the view of the camera. Moments later, a gunshot is heard.

The Denver Sheriff Department directed inquiries to the police, which didn’t immediately return requests for more information.

After the shooting, Denver police released a statement saying that it “respects the right to peacefully assemble. Those who participate in protests, demonstrations, marches, or other gatherings, as protected by the First Amendment, are reminded to do so in a lawful manner. Individuals who choose to act outside of local, state and federal law, will be subject to citation or arrest.”


It's funny to talk to Biden supporters who believe that the Left is peaceful and gentle and it's only the Right who who are into violence.  In reality, it's the other way around.

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