
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Law Enforcement Prepping for Post Election Riots

 Well, I'm glad they are preparing!  Because clearly our Governor and officials WERE NOT prepared for the rioting and looting that took place in Minneapolis after George Floyd died last May.

The fact that law enforcement officials across the nation are expecting widespread violence following the election should chill every American to the core.  As I keep repeating over and over, violence is not going to solve anything, but much of the population is not listening to voices such as mine anymore.  

As you will see below, authorities have decided to "plan for the worst" because everyone can see what is potentially coming.  But if we can't hold a presidential election without violence at this point, how much longer can our system possibly last?  No matter who ends up winning, I think that the election of 2020 will tell us a lot about how far America has already fallen.

Thankfully, officials in most major cities do not have their heads stuck in the sand and have been preparing for massive riots following the election.  In New York, the NYPD is literally "training every day" to deal with the riots and protests that they are anticipating...

The NYPD is training every day and deploying hundreds of extra cops as it braces for Election Day and its aftermath, amid fears riots and protests could break out after the results are announced.

In Los Angeles, officers are being told that "they may need to reschedule" their vacations so that they will be available for whatever may happen...

LAPD sent an internal memo to its officers last week that said they may need to reschedule any vacations around election day as the agency prepares for possible protests or other unrest, according to the Los Angeles Times.

In so many instances, law enforcement agencies are pointing to the riots that erupted in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd as the type of scenario that they want to be prepared for this time around.

Anger and hatred have been building up in our country for years, and it appears that we are about to reach a crescendo.

I will continue to speak out against rioting, looting and all forms of political violence, and many other influential voices are doing so as well.

But there are also so many voices throughout our society that are just stirring up more anger and more hatred with each passing day.

So I would encourage all of you to "plan for the worst" for the months ahead.  It looks like it is going to be a very pivotal time in our history, and the more bitterly the election results are contested the worse the chaos is likely to be.

And when a winner is finally declared, many on the losing side will inevitably feel like the election was stolen from them.

There is still time to avoid a worst case scenario, but right now it is difficult to imagine how all of this is going to end well.


Yes!  Every American should be chilled to the core that this is where we have fallen as a nation!  As godlessness begins to inhabit the majority of citizens, the darkness of their darkened souls begins to swamp the Light that inhabits Holy Spirit-filled people.

This is a spiritual battle that calls for spiritual warfare.  Please, please be praying for America!  Pray that righteousness will prevail.  Pray that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed on Monday.  Pray that God will have mercy on this nation for a little while longer.  Pray for revival.  Pray that God will be with us no matter the result of the election and that we can be salt and light until He returns for us.

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