
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Muslims Get Upset Again Over Cartoons

 Remember when a French newspaper published cartoons of Muhammd about 5 years ago?  It so upset some Muslims in the country that one stormed the paper and killed some folks.  If Muslims are so upset by Western freedoms then why don't they stay in the Muslim countries that deny free speech and protect the image of their pedophile prophet?

Of course we know the answer.  It's because they want to come to free nations and then try to take them over for the glory of Allah.  They are playing the long game and know that if they can get in and start having 7-8 kids that become citizens that soon they will swamp that nation with demands that appease their false religion.

Today we read of another atrocity in France when a Muslim beheaded a teacher who had showed students a cartoon of Muhammad.

France warned its citizens in several Muslim-majority countries to take extra security precautions on Tuesday as anger surged over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, and the head of Russia's Chechnya region said Paris was pushing people towards terrorism.

In Bangladesh, thousands of protesters marched through the capital, with some stamping on a poster of French President Emmanuel Macron, and Iran summoned the French charge d'affaires to register a protest over the cartoons.

But in a sign that some countries want to limit the fallout, Saudi Arabia - while condemning the cartoons - held back from echoing calls in other parts of the Muslim world for a boycott of French products.

The row has its roots in a knife attack outside a French school on Oct. 16 in which a man of Chechen origin beheaded Samuel Paty, a teacher who had shown pupils cartoons of Prophet Mohammad in a civics lesson. The caricatures are considered blasphemous by Muslims.

The French government, backed by many citizens, saw the beheading as an attack on freedom of speech, and said they would defend the right to display the cartoons.

Macron called the teacher a hero, and he pledged to fight "Islamist separatism", saying it was threatening to take over some Muslim communities in France.

France's foreign ministry on Tuesday issued safety advice to French citizens in Indonesia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Iraq and Mauritania, advising them to exercise caution. They should stay away from any protests over the cartoons and avoid any public gatherings.

"It is recommended to exercise the greatest vigilance, especially while travelling, and in places that are frequented by tourists or expatriate communities," it said.


The darkness doesn't like the light.  Free nations can say anything they want.  They can make cartoons about Jesus, Muhammad, Krishna, Baphomet or anyone else they want to.  If you don't like it, then leave the country.

France has opened Pandora's box by allowing millions of Muslims into their nation.  They thought they could make these people love France and become frenchmen...but the Muslims want to make France into the hell-holes that they came from.

Allah akbar!  Agree or we will ultimately kill you!

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