
Thursday, October 8, 2020

Red State or Blue State?

 America is now very much divided between Red states and Blue states.  It may not apply to this but Jesus warned that a nation divided against itself will not stand.  For even further explanation let's look at Minnesota.  It's been a Blue state for decades but that's only because a few counties with all the people in them around Minneapolis and St Paul vote blue.  The vast, vast majority of the rural counties vote red.  But why could this be?  Why do city dwellers tend to vote blue and people in the more rural areas vote red?

We have an idea on this but would welcome yours as well.  For people who live in the city they are surrounded by things that men built.  Subways, skyscrapers, stadiums, etc...  They seldom see the miracle of nature like calves being born, the abundant wildlife around lakes, the beautiful sunsets and star-filled skies.  Because of this I think city people forget who the Creator is.  They believe that man is the creator of all he can see and is in control of all things.  Farmers and rural folks who contend with weather and live in nature still understand and know that God is in control of everything and we have no control over nature.  We just live in it and pass through it but we all owe our lives to God.

Now think about Romans 1.  The first revelation that God gives all humans in nature.  We can understand the nature of God by looking at His awesome creation.  Every CREATION must have a CREATOR. But the city dwellers fail to see this and so they deny God and get no further revelation but clearly the will be held accountable for their willful ignorance and will not be allowed to offer an excuse.

Romans 1   The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Now let's watch a secular video from Prager U that explains this divide between the states.  We just aren't sure how much longer Red and Blue are going to be able to coexist.  Also if Blue people start leaving Blue states by the millions and heading for Red states, will they want to turn them into the Blue states they just left?  That sure seems to happen in the mountain towns we have visited by the dozens.

Watch 5 minute video here;

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