
Monday, October 19, 2020

The Liberal Media Are Crazier Than Ever

The Bible tells us that in the Last Days godless people will have their thinking patterns become futile and foolish.  Ultimately, following the rapture, God himself will send a "great delusion" so that the folks who heard the Gospel, rejected it and are now left behind to face the Great Tribulation, will believe "the lie" that the Antichrist will bring.

As we look around at our world, we wonder if this delusion isn't already manifesting itself in the 99% liberal media?  Maybe we are living in the shadow of that  soon-coming-great delusion?

Rapture Ready website has a weekly update called NEARING MIDNIGHT.  We post today's edition below.  We asked the same question after seeing Keith Olberman's rant against Conservatives....Does he want us all thrown in concentration camps?

The Liberal Media Are Crazier Than Ever

It is becoming extremely difficult to find the truth in today’s news. All the major media outlets are totally focused on disseminating leftist propaganda. If you go to Yahoo news, you can find a dozen stories about what Trump is doing wrong. The news articles could have easily been written by computer that made the president the villain in every story.

The liberal media have reached a level of insanity that is very dangerous for our nation. They have radicalized so many people on the left and right with the twisted reporting, I greatly fear what will happen as a result of the upcoming election.

One of the biggest nutcakes in the news business is Keith Olbermann. Less than a week after leaving ESPN, Olbermann proclaimed Trump “The Worst Person in The World” in a YouTube video.

In his second show on Friday, Oct. 8, he pulled no punches in his attack on President Donald Trump. Olbermann accused Trump of trying to nullify the 2020 election, calling the president “demonic” and a “fascist.” But Olbermann didn’t stop there, accusing Trump of plotting “terrorism” should he lose to former Vice President Joe Biden in November. The excerpt below comes from the video of his broadcast, beginning at the 7:55 mark.

“There can be no mistaking what is ahead of us in this best of possible scenarios, a period in which a Trump-led minority will continue to terrorize this country. And Trump, whose only barely-human delight comes from the morons in the crowd, will seek that pleasure again and endlessly until the day he dies. We unleashed this terrorism via the activating mechanism of reality television. Trump unleashed his terrorists via the activating mechanism of encouraging them to hate. Trump can be, and must be, expunged. The hate he has triggered, the Pandora’s box he has opened, they will not be so easily destroyed.

“So, let us brace ourselves. The task is twofold. The terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box. And then he, and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators, and the Mike Lees and the William Barrs and the Sean Hannitys and the Mike Pences and the Rudy Giulianis and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it and to rebuild the world Trump has nearly destroyed by turning it over to a virus.”

Olbermann has compared Trump to Adolf Hitler many times, but in doing so, he makes an ironic error. If Hitler was alive today in Olbermann’s shoes, he would say the same thing. The Fuehrer saw evil all around and he tried to destroy it. If Olbermann had his way, anyone who voted for Trump would be sent to a concentration camp.

CNN’s chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta is, in my view, the second most arrogant man who ever lived. I put him in second place behind Benito Mussolini just to deny him bragging rights. Acosta was at a Trump rally in Sanford, Florida, and he did not receive the warmest welcome while reporting on the event.

A couple of rallygoers are heard chanting “CNN sucks,” which grew louder quickly with more people piling on the anti-Trump network. Jim looked at the camera and said, “And as this crowd is chanting that there are members of the press here who suck, I should also point out what also sucks – getting the corona virus.”

The public and rallygoers don’t realize how much Acosta is in love with himself. The people mocking him might as well have been tossing a hundred-dollar bill at him. In his mind, he is the only one capable of standing up against Trump’s evil pack of lies. His tombstone will likely read, “Here lies the man who saved the world from Donald J. Trump.”

Another area where the media has gotten more demented is its handling of Joe Biden’s endless stream of gaffes. On my birthday, Oct 12, “Sleepy Joe” had a particularly bad day. He couldn’t remember the name of Mitt Romney, said again he was running for the U.S. Senate, and forgot what State he was in. He also called for raising the minimum wage to $15 million per hour.

I think what is so dangerous about the liberal media is the next time that a Democrat gets into office, he will be able to do anything and get endless praise from the press. With Biden such an empty shell of senility, there is no telling who would be the puppet master running the White House. It is my prayer that we can hold off disaster for a few more years. The level of craziness in the media tells me we are very near to the end.

“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).



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