
Friday, November 13, 2020

France; Imam Gets Thousands of Death Threats

 As you know, a teacher was beheaded in France for discussing pictures drawn of Muhammad.  An angry Muslim living in France killed him and cut his head off.  This is what happens to those folks who practice free speech in nations that have free speech laws but also have enough “empowered” Muslims who want to make their host nations into the crappy Muslim nations from which they left.


Kudos to Chalghoumi. His position in defense of the freedom of speech should be expected of every Muslim who enters a Western country. Instead, Westerners have kowtowed to Islamic supremacists, making it also risky for those Muslims who choose to respect the principles and laws of Western nations.

One post in Arabic on Twitter read: “We urge true Muslims of France to allow Chalghoumi to join the history teacher and also become a martyr of the nation.”

This represents the sad state of Islamic reform: Muslims who reject normative Islam (evidently not a religion of peace, and it would be beneficial for moderate Muslims to admit this instead of denying it or making excuses for it) are not accepted as Muslims by their more traditionally minded coreligionists. Instead, they’re seen as apostates who are in defiance of the Sharia.

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