
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Governor Tells Folks to Call Cops to Report Neighbors

 When you read stories about Germans calling on their neighbors to report wrong doing during the lead up to WWII, I remember thinking, "Wow!  I'm glad that would never happen in America!"

Now it seems that Americans are getting ready to do just that.f

Funny that the Democrats want to defund the police and have social workers answer crime calls but want the police to respond to houses where 7 people are eating turkey.  

You can't make it up.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown encouraged Oregon residents on Friday to call the police on their neighbors for violating COVID-19 lockdown orders. Last week, Brown implemented two-week-long statewide coronavirus orders which limit the number of people at a single household to no more than six people from two different households, among other restrictions.

In an interview with KGW8, Brown was asked directly if Oregonians should be calling the police on neighbors they suspect of violating the lockdown rules. Brown said, “This is no different than what happens if there’s a party down the street and it’s keeping everyone awake. What do neighbors do [in that case]? They call law enforcement because it’s too noisy. This is just like that. It’s like a violation of a noise ordinance.”

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