
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Hollywood Legend Blasts Leftists as “Evil”

 Jon Voight spells it out!  Watch his video he posted to Twitter.


Hollywood legend and devout Christian Jon Voight has come out strongly in support of President Donald Trump’s decision not to concede the contested 2020 election.

In a video message posted to Twitter on Tuesday — one which is likely to further put him at odds with Hollywood’s A-list — Voight called for Americans to fight what he summarized as Democratic attempts to steal the election from the president and voters.

As he’s done so many times throughout the 2020 campaign, the Oscar winner pleaded with the American people to not only stand by their commander-in-chief, but to turn to their faith in God while doing so.

“My friends of all colors, races and religions, this is now our greatest fight since the Civil War. The battle of righteousness versus Satan. Yes, Satan. Because these leftists are evil, corrupt, and they want to tear down this nation,” Voight said.

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