
Monday, November 23, 2020

Inflation and Depression On Its Way

 Sorry for lack of posts these past 5 days but I was on hunting trip with no WiFi. 

Talk to folks on the Left and they will say, “The government just needs to loosen its purse strings and pay everybody to stay home for 6 more weeks til Covid flattens.”  That sure sounds easy enough!  But the government doesn’t have a purse with money in it. They have to create more to spend more.  And this adds to the $26 trillion deficit.  At some point (we have been saying this for 12 years now) folks around the world will lose faith and confidence in the US Dollar.  Hyperinflation and depression will most likely result.  Maybe that’s why Jesus tells us to lay up our real treasure in heaven.


Williams expects to see some very large inflation because of all the stimulus coming and predicts,

The more left we go, the more rapid will be the demise of the dollar.  Eventually, it will be a hyperinflation in the United States. 

What I am looking at here is this evolving into a hyperinflationary Great Depression.  

To save yourself, you have to preserve your wealth, your dollar assets.  To do that, you have to convert your dollars into physical gold and silver, precious metals and just hold them.  They will retain value over time as opposed to paper dollars that will effectively become worthless.  You’ll be getting a lot of money from the government, and they will keep giving you more and more and more, but that’s going to be an environment of rising and rising inflation.  It’s not necessarily going to buy you more...

Hyperinflation will bring political disruption. . . . Hyperinflation is a form of default.  Gold is telling us hyperinflation is straight ahead of us.

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