
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Keep Your Eyes on Israel

Pastor John McArthur reminds us to keep our eyes on Israel. , “If you get Israel right, you get your eschatology right.” If you take your eyes off God’s timepiece, you cannot properly understand the times we live in. Assessing prophetic matters through the lens of America’s affairs is a show of ignorance and a waste of time.

God told us that in the Last Days before Jesus returns, God will gather the Jews from all the nations of the earth and bring them back to the land of Israel. These amazing stories continue and are more proof that God is carrying out His will.


In the next couple of weeks on December 14 a group of 253 Bnei Menashe is coming home after a two-year hiatus, but this time in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic. The last aliyah organized by Shavei Israel, the organization that brought “The Lost Tribe” of the Ethiopian Beta Israel, was back in 2018.

For the Bnei Menashe, moving home from India to a new country and a new culture is one of the most stressful and exciting life-events that can be experienced. However, no matter what kind of challenges or difficulties they might face, the enthusiasm of these Jews living in exile knows no bounds. They are just a body full of adrenaline!

Yochanan Phaltual

Six years ago in 2014, I made aliyah to Israel with my family leaving behind relatives and friends, which was difficult as they too were counting the days until their dreams of living in the Promised Land might be fulfilled.

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